On the SCAPE Partner Portal you can find all information about the SCAPE system. Most importantly:

• SCAPE Software and Manuals (Left menu item “Software”)

   - Can be downloaded but requires a hardware dongle to run

Software Drivers (Left menu item “Drivers”)

SCAPE documentation (Left menu item “Technical Documentation”)

   - Both hardware and software documentation is available

CAD Models of Scape hardware (Left menu item “Technical Documentation”)





• Go get access to the Partner Portal you must click on "Login" from the top menu and type in your login information.

• If you don't have any login information and you believe that you are entitled to access the Partner Portal, please send an e-mail to  with your request.

 If you can't remember your login information you can use the "Forgot your password?" and or "Forgot your username?" functionality from the login page.